Genius Hour Learning Object

I chose to focus on Podcasts for my Genius Hour Learning Object. Podcasts are a great tool to use in the classroom, however, in order for them to be used as a Learning Object, the teacher needs to provide students with the necessary instruction and skills to navigate different podcasts and use them effectively. In relation to my Genius Hour Project, I would encourage my students to navigate a list of different Podcasts that focus on stress management to allow my students to explore different stress management strategies and discover what works best for them! Firstly, I would begin with a brief lesson on the importance of using healthy strategies to manage stress in their everyday lives. This lesson will consolidate learning in their Health course as it will address the overall expectations of Healthy Living which are: C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development; C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being; C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect their own and others’ health and well-being Then, I will ask students to use digital tools such as a Chromebook, iPad, computer or cellphone to navigate and explore Podcast resources from this link. After exploring this link, the teacher should facilitate a classroom discussion about stress management strategies and how they might implement these strategies in their every day lives. To finish off the lesson, the teacher should ask students to write a brief reflection about a stress management strategies that sticks out to them and why. This would be a great way to introduce stress management to your class in an engaging way!
