Genius Hour Reflection 4 - Yoga

No word has ever stressed me out more - "yoga". When I think of yoga I think of distorted poses and bodies twisting into pretzel-like shapes that look anything BUT comfortable and relaxing. I can barely touch my toes so the thought of attending a yoga class where my total and utter lack of skill was on display always seemed daunting to me. It wasn't until I was volunteering in my mom's grade 3 class when I realized that yoga doesn't need to be exhausting and difficult and can be really beneficial for both teachers and students in dealing with stress. By providing students with an opportunity to practice yoga on a daily basis, teachers are provided with a chance to transition from subject to subject easily and students are given the chance to clear their minds and relax before tackling a new challenge or task. My mom used yoga after reading to the students and before moving onto another subject to give students a small mental break before working on something new. I think this is a great way for students and teachers to manage their stress effectively throughout the day without dedicating too much time or money that could be used elsewhere in the classroom.

Here's a short video that teaches you the essentials for introducing yoga to your students:
